Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fool for Love

Dedicated to the ever lovely...ever wonderful Mrs. Ridiculous

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What the F...???

Joseph...get over here so we can wash your mouth out with this "fricking" soap

Friday, March 26, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Stalling Tactics ???

Every major sport has rules that penalize "DELAY of the GAME"
Yesterday in the prestigious US Senate... Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) introduced an amendment to prohibit coverage of Viagra for sex offenders. Tom, does this mean this is a real problem for you(all) back there in Oklahoma?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Debate is Over...No It's Not!

Health Care Reform

The question is no longer whether the glass is "half full or half empty"

One side of the debate would say: "It's a half a glass of water."
The other is saying: "It's a glass with water with poison...gonna kill our country"

Monday, March 22, 2010

Watching Congress Pass Health Care Reform

Watching Congress pass legislation is like watching SAUSAGE being made...messy, and you might not like it after you've seen the process

The Doctor is a Vegetarian...he does have to worry about it!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

March Madness

Can this "march madness" solve any of the worlds problems?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March Madness...All "Madness" in March Isn't Hoops

What is rather scary about this clip from Glenn Beck is that he has a huge listener base that hangs on his every word and now is the figurehead of the Tea Party

Did you know that Mister Beck is a Mormon?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ask Youself...

Do I Have Bad Breath?


Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Why don't we use the energy created by people running on treadmills to produce electricity?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A (Sarah) Question That Needs to be Asked

Let us say that Barak Obama gets no better "at being President"; and therefore in 2012 a Republican candidate has an excellent chance to gain the White House in a country that has more problems than it has now...

With all due respect to Ms. Palin...Do her supporters actually think she is the LEADER that we will need to lead us out of the quagmire?


Monday, March 8, 2010

Questions we should be asking

Iraq will soon be producing more than
10 million barrels of oil per day

Are they paying us back for their liberation???

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Killer Reader Poll

Shamu is a "Killer"...but isn't
Tilikum is a "Killer"...and really is one

In the tragic fatal incident, it was Tilikum who killed one of his handlers. this poll, we test your knowledge of the Orca whale in captivity. Which of the following IS NOT TRUE!

1) There are 42 Orca (Killer) whales being held in captivity worldwide
2) The recent death was not the first caused by Tilikum (1 confirmed, another probable)
3) Extremely social and intelligent...the life span of captive Orca whales is greatly reduced
4) An Orca whale eats more than 500 pounds of fresh fish/day

Did you guess that they are all true? Was that too easy? OK..then here is a math problem for you...If an Orca eats 500 pounds of fish/day, then how much does it cost to feed the entire captive population per year? And when you get that answer ask yourself..."At what cost universal health care?"

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Why We Spend So Much On Them


Not to be outdone...
This clip has a RABBIT that goes to sleep on command and a Frisbee Dog (at the end) you won't believe

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What About Cats ???

In the USA...
82 million domesticated cats (pets)
100 million feral cats (wild)

The average cat owner will spend $107.00/year on TOYS and TREATS. That is over TEN BILLION DOLLARS spent each year to keep our "kitty population" entertained. Sadly, like the tens of millions of Americans without adequate HEALTH CARE, the feral cats can only watch from the "tall grass" as their "rich" cousins enjoy the benefits of living in the "Greatest Nation on Earth"

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Dr. Loves Dogs...however

There are approximately 61,000,000 dogs in the USA

The average yearly cost to keep a dog is $1000


$61 Billion/year is spent on dogs/year in the USA

The USA is the only industrialized nation on the planet without universal health care

When you hear an estimate for the cost of universal health care reform, please remember...$61,000,000,000 spent on dogs

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday Funny

(click to enlarge)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Reader Poll: Harry is Scary

Reader...Did you know that Harry Reid is a Mormon? Should that be scary? Please read the following poll and select the number that IS NOT TRUE about Mormonism

1) Mormonism began with Joseph Smith's visions, and his translations of "golden tablets" buried in Pennsylvania in the early 1800's. These tablets were left there by a civilization that migrated across the Atlantic Ocean. Only a few of Joseph Smith's inner circle actually "saw" these tablets.

(The detailed history and civilization described in the Book of Mormon does not correspond to anything found by archaeologists anywhere in the Americas. The Book of Mormon describes a civilization lasting for a thousand years, covering both North and South America, which was familiar with horses, elephants, cattle, sheep, wheat, barley, steel, wheeled vehicles, shipbuilding, sails, coins, and other elements of Old World culture. But no trace of any of these supposedly very common things has ever been found in the Americas of that period)

2) The Curse of Cain (the black race is not entitled to hold God's priesthood because it is cursed; this doctrine was not abandoned until 1978)

3) Joseph Smith died not as a martyr, but in a gun battle in which he fired a number of shots. He was in jail at the time, under arrest for having ordered the destruction of a Nauvoo newspaper which dared to print an exposure (which was true) of his secret sexual liaisons. At that time he had announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States, set up a secret government, and secretly had himself crowned "King of the Kingdom of God."

  • Since the founding of the church down to the present day the church leaders have not hesitated to lie, to falsify documents, to rewrite or suppress history, or to do whatever is necessary to protect the image of the church. Many Mormon historians have been excommunicated from the church for publishing their findings on the truth of Mormon history.
4) All of the above are TRUE

The correct answer to today's poll is that all are factually correct. Reader...would you want the man who holds to this religion to be at the controls of the "space ship" we call the United States Senate????

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Can Mitch Only Bitch???

*** McConnell became a member of the US Army Reserve during his final semester of law school. After induction at Fort Knox, Kentucky, McConnell was released early from his active-duty military service in August 1967.[5]A US Senator for whom McConnell had interned wrote a letter in August 1967 to the commanding general at Fort Knox, asking when McConnell would be "cleared" from active duty so as to attend New York University. The registrar's office at NYU has no record of McConnell applying or registering for classes. According to a former campaign manager, McConnell received a medical discharge for optic neuritis (a symptom of multiple sclerosis). McConnell has declined to be interviewed regarding this issue, or to release medical records. Mitch has been an ardent supporter of the War in Iraq

*** In its 2009 report, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) named McConnell one of the 15 most corrupt members of Congress, stating that "Sen. McConnell's ethics issues stem primarily from (1) earmarks he inserted into legislation for clients of his former chief of staff in exchange for campaign contributions and (2) the misuse of his nonprofit McConnell Center for Political Leadership at the University of Louisville."

*** In 1996, Senator McConnell demanded that President Clinton allow White House aides to testify under oath. On April 1, 2007, Chris Wallace claimed that McConnell's stance on Karl Rove and Harriet Miers testifying under oath in relation to the Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy was contradictory. Wallace asked, "In 1996, you were saying those White House aides should testify in open hearing. These were White House aides of Bill Clinton, in open hearing under oath. Why shouldn't the same rules apply for the Bush White House and people like Karl Rove?" McConnell replied, "And what I’m telling you is the president's going to make that decision."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Boehner Phoenetically is B-O-N-E-R

*** He grew up as one of twelve children, which, in part, explains why he would later so adamantly oppose including funding for those contraceptives in the original stimulus package. (Of course, it's common knowledge that unwanted teen pregnancies ultimately cost far more than sending a box of rubbers to some high school kids, but that would require Boehner to take five minutes of free time to think about it instead of doing all that manscaping.)

*** John's theory on climate change..."The idea that carbon dioxide is a carcinogen that is harmful to our environment is almost comical. Every time we exhale, we exhale carbon dioxide. Every cow in the world, you know when they do what they do you've got more carbon dioxide." While many scientists have taken exception to the 15 things that are factually incorrect about that statement, researchers are most surprised at Boehner's inability to just say the word "defecate."

*** In May 2009, weekly tracking polls indicated that Boehner remained the most unpopular member of Congress , though it is unclear if this statistic factored in his favorability among elderly conservative women or the staff of Jamaica Me Tan in Cincinnati, Ohio.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Who are These People???

Why the gridlock in Washington? This week the Doctor gives us some info about the cast of "characters" in Congress.

Madame Speaker

*** Next month, Nancy will be 70 years old

*** Born in Baltimore, her father was a US Congressman and Mayor of that city

*** Nancy's net worth is measured in tens of millions of dollars...making her one of the richest members of the House

*** Nancy represents an overwhelmingly Democratic district in San Fransisco. Since 1987, she has been winning reelections by overwhelming margins and her last public debate with an opponent was in 1987

Reader...if we listen to the Republicans, Nancy Pelosi is THE obstacle to bi-partisan legislation in the House. The Doctor does not know if this is true (?) However, given that she represents one of the most Liberal districts in our country...can we blame her for pushing a "liberal agenda" This is her represent her "peeps" Our country is nearly 50% Blue and 50% Red (sorry Independents)...should we not have leaders from Districts that represent this cross section? Nancy is basically not held accountable for her legislative (lack of) leadership because of the severely left leaning of her electorate.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday:Reader Poll Day ...(Froggy Week)

OK Reader...what can you tell us about these two frogs???

a) They are probably friends...they share the same log and the same interest (being lazy) is this possible if their skin is a different color?
b) One might be Republican the other a Democrat...can you tell which is which?
c) Frogs have sex...are these two hetero, homo or bi and how did you tell?
d) If they could mate...would their froggy children be "Aqua", and could an Aqua frog ever be King?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This week's Theme...Froggy

After watching this short clip...the Doctor (age:63) understands why his Mommy didn't want him to watch too much Television. Andy's Gang was a very popular show, and now the Doctor wonders why. What do you think?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday is Hot for Words

OK Reader...this is off this week's topic of "Litter"... but this is a subject that has long been part of the Dr.'s research..."Why do animals make different sounds in different countries?"

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday...of course Reader Poll Day

This week has been all about the Pizza today's poll is about littering. Reader...these are things that have happened to the Doctor. Please circle those
experiences similar to your own

1) Been behind a car at a traffic light, and fast food litter is coming out of every window. You pull up beside the car to chastise the occupants and realize they are gangster types (with guns) and did you "bite your tongue" (like the Dr. did)

2) Been on a hiking trail in a park in Florida when you begin to see candy wrapper liter, and come upon a father and son duo (eating candy) and chastise them (they weren't packing)

3)Had your jacket blow out of the open window on the Ohio Turnpike while traveling 65 miles an hour and knew that you had just littered, lost a good jacket, but there was no way to go back and get it

4)Were you in Palm Springs a few months after 9/11, and did you see one of those American flags that people had on their cars in the middle of a busy intersection. Were the cars running over the flag of our great Nation and when you stopped (in the intersection) to pick it up, did the people behind you honk at you (even though they could see what you were doing)

5) You have a littering story to top all those (put it in the comment below)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hands Free Pizza

If it is illegal to drive with a cell phone in your hand...should it not also be unlawful to drive while eating a hot slice of pizza...FOOD FOR THOUGHT!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fifty Years of Bad Pizza

(remember...this week's theme is: Pizza Box Beside the Road)

Little Caesars is an excellent example of mediocre product and excellent marketing. That "little Caesar" who beeped out "PIZZA PIZZA" became a pop icon on all those TV ads should be given a gold watch as an anniversary present... but how would a watch look with his toga????

Monday, February 8, 2010

Pizza Pizza

This week's "theme" is this photograph (taken by Mrs. Ridiculous). Reader...wonder the Doctor will find enough in this image to blog about for an ENTIRE WEEK. He promises not to disappoint!!!

This is a pizza box that was carelessly tossed from a car/truck along our beautiful rural road. Littering is bad...indeed horrible (especially an object this large). This cardboard box will biodegrade after less than a year in our rainly Oregon winter. However, careful observation will show an aluminum can lying nearby in the tall grass. The life of a soda/beer can is 500 years.

Five Hundred Years!

But "litter bug" don't a hundred years (or so) the aluminum can you are wantonly threw from your vehicle will be buried by the decomposing paper trash you throw... unless you continue to throw cans, and in that case, the sides of our roadways be be a never-ending "aluminum can recycle center"

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thursday is "Reader Poll Day

This is an eye jewel. Did you know that folks are putting jewels in their eyes? This one gives new meaning to the expression: "Eye Love You"
Below is a short video...followed by the Reader Poll

So, after watching the video...Reader do you think...

a) I can't think or speak...I was too grossed out by this

b) I could get one of my friends to do's really cool and not that difficult to do

c) "Beam me up Scotty"

d) Will use this as a tutorial for when I get a lash in my eye...Thanks Dr. Ridiculous

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What is he Thinking

This is Rapper Lil Wayne. He wins the award for..."Most Famous...Most Tattooed" He has successfully made his Tattoos more important than his BLING.

Lil Wayne grew up in New Orleans where he was an Honor Student until he dropped out at age 14. We can only assume that he will be rooting for the Saints in the Super Bowl, and this is why he wears so many support his TEAM.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What are you saying???

(To fully appreciate this week's posts, the Reader must watch the short video posted yesterday)

China owns our national debt...their economy is growing at a much faster pace than ours...and their students (on average) do much better than our own. In the race for Numero Uno...they are not far behind the US and are coming on strong. it is popular to get tattooed with Chinese characters??? The Doctor really doesn't get the tattoo craze, and especially with words that can't be read by English speaker in a language from a country that is building an empire off the backs of the peasant class. Maybe this tattoo reads: "Free Tibet"...then it might serve the owner and the planet well!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Dr. Ridiculous Declares...Tattoo Week

To start off "Tattoo Week"...we start the reader off with this "instruction" video

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Funny

Actual Citizens Out!...Corporations IN!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Reader Poll Day

The Government Office called by the Hot Blond (in the shower) is

a) The Office of John Boehner...he is perfect and knows everything

b) The Office of Harry Reid...after seen yawning at the State of the Union address, his party bumped him down to something he can handle. But he always hangs up (as in the video)

c)The Oval Office...this is the only function that our Current Leader is capable of handling (according to his critics...he doesn't know sheit)

d) When the phone is in the Senate chambers and might be picked up by any of our "illustrious" legislators

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Will His Pants Be On Fire Tonight?

Dr. R. now wonders aloud whether Congressman Wilson be able to act civil tonight as our President addresses a joint session of Congress.

This is the post from this Blog from September 11, 2009

Senator Joe Wilson embarrassed himself and his Republican Party with his outburst during the President's recent address. His heckling was a complete breech of protocol. As every schoolyard bully knows...never...ever use the "L" word (liar)...the name caller can always get a good laugh with the retort shown above.

President Obama was NOT fazed by the Senator's interruption...that's because he has a Ridiculometer (see below) and uses it to keep everything in perspective

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Real Never Is...The Unreal Never Is Not

This cartoon has "Hope" and "Reality" going in exactly opposite directions. The Doctor wants Obama to reach up and grab "Hope" is definitely within his reach! Then, Mr. President, break it off the careful, because Hope is a very fragile commodity. Then Sir, tuck it under your arm...but do not lose it...once gone, it is difficult to regain. Continue on your journey in the direction of "Reality" and and "Change"...they appear to be the same road.

And Mister President..."Safe travels, and best of luck!"

Monday, January 25, 2010


One year ago we were offered what Doctor Ridiculous saw as a clear choice. It was a choice between...Change in how Washington does business, and allowing Corporations and special interests to tighten their "death grip" on Congress.

Further... we could choose between FEAR and HOPE. The country overwhelmingly chose HOPE. And now , as our Presidents approval rating sinks, the Doctor fears that we might have misplaced our trust...and he also hopes that we haven't.

This is Obama Week at "That's Ridiculous"

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday (this week not) Funny

Last Week's Winner
sent in by S.B. of Up-state New York

This week the Doctor is taking a break from "Funny"

Reader...below is a political cartoon inspired by the situation in Haiti. Let us all take a moment to reflect on situation there, and as we realize our own blessings...send out positive vibes to those in that small ravaged country

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday is "Hot for Words" Day

This week is "All About Kings Week" and Doctor Ridiculous had to work hard to find a correlation with Marina's investigation and this week's topic. Remember that yesterday's Reader Poll concerned the King of Belgium...Reader, watch the video... find the correlation and then stop wondering how Dr.R became a Doctor!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Reader Poll...All About Kings

There are 31 monarchies of which 15 are headed by KINGS in the World today.

Lesotho - King Letsie III
Morocco - King Mohammed VI
Swaziland - King Mswati III
Bhutan - King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck
Cambodia - King Norodom Sihamoni
Malaysia - King Mizan Zainal Abidin
Thailand - King Bhumibol Adulyadej
Belgium - King Albert II
Norway - King Harald V
Spain - King Juan Carlos I
Sweden - King Carl Gustaf XVI
Bahrein - King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa
Jordan - King Abdullah II
Saudi Arabia - King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud
Tonga - King George Tupou V.

Pictured above is King Albert II of Belgium. you think

a)The USA should invade Belgium, remove King Albert from his throne, give the country "back" to its' citizens, and take all the royal jewels (including Albert's Royal Sash) to sell on eBay to recoup the cost of the invasion.
b)Have the Republican National Committee research the rumor that Albert is not Belgium at all...he might have been born in Indonesia and all his birth records changed
c)Albert is a closeted gay...there seems to be quite a bit of pink in his Royal (purple) Sash
d)All or none of the above

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jesus was King of King (watch yesterday's post)

Jesus was King in Biblical Times
What Would He do in the 21st Century?
What would he think about...
Bank Bailouts
Health-Care Reform
War in the Middle East
Governmental Aid to Haiti

The answers are in this video!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"The Truth Must Be Told!"

Substitute Afghanistan for Vietnam and please do not think that poverty and racism are not issues in America today.
Listening to Dr. King's sermon is guarenteed to be 22 minutes well spent

Monday, January 18, 2010

(martin luther) KING ME!

Augusta National Golf Club Caddie Yard
circa 1997

Johnny Mack and "Hop" engage in a
hotly contested checker game

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday Funny

Last Week's Funny
sent in by B.N. of Findley Ohio

This week's golf-related FUNNY
send your caption to the link below

Sunday Funny Entry

Thursday, January 14, 2010

This was "COLOR" week...(not collar week)

Hot for Words Friday...when Marina says "collar" it sounds like "color"

Black or White???

Thursday is "Reader Poll Day"

Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid is in hot water over comments he made about President Obama's "COLOR" Today we ask the reader about this subject of "COLOR"

A) Rock star Dave Mathews was born in South Africa...would he be considered an "Afro-American?
B) As Senator Reid is Mormon...could we expect any better from him?
C) Why aren't people of mixed race known as "GREYS"
D) As our astute reader will's poll requires essay answers. Put on those thinking caps!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Funny

Last Week's Winner
sent in by P.W. of Portland Oregon

This Week's Funny
send in a Caption to link below

Sunday Funny Entry
Weekly winner receives a FREE Ridiculometer