Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday...of course Reader Poll Day

This week has been all about the Pizza today's poll is about littering. Reader...these are things that have happened to the Doctor. Please circle those
experiences similar to your own

1) Been behind a car at a traffic light, and fast food litter is coming out of every window. You pull up beside the car to chastise the occupants and realize they are gangster types (with guns) and did you "bite your tongue" (like the Dr. did)

2) Been on a hiking trail in a park in Florida when you begin to see candy wrapper liter, and come upon a father and son duo (eating candy) and chastise them (they weren't packing)

3)Had your jacket blow out of the open window on the Ohio Turnpike while traveling 65 miles an hour and knew that you had just littered, lost a good jacket, but there was no way to go back and get it

4)Were you in Palm Springs a few months after 9/11, and did you see one of those American flags that people had on their cars in the middle of a busy intersection. Were the cars running over the flag of our great Nation and when you stopped (in the intersection) to pick it up, did the people behind you honk at you (even though they could see what you were doing)

5) You have a littering story to top all those (put it in the comment below)

1 comment:

  1. I broke up with my boyfriend because he was a litterer!
