Wednesday, September 30, 2009

(new) Dancing with Czars

Last Wednesday, the Doctor introduced "Dancing with Czar Obama" (9/23/09) This feature has resurfaced (by popular demand). Notice that Czar Obama has a new partner (change is good!) It looks like Sarah Palin...but it must be Tina Fey. Sarah Palin is a Republican. There are NO Republican Czars (never have been, never will be)

Czar Palin (played by Czar Fey) looks hot. The two look good together! They seem to move as one. Czar Palin would make a good running mate for Czar Obama in 2012...Czars across party lines. But the Doctor is now so confused...would the VP really be Palin or would it be Fey as Palin or would it be Fey as Fey??? Stay tuned to a blog like this near you!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Sent in by loyal reader J.H.

The Doctor used his Ridiculometer on this one, but its' reading was inconclusive...
Is this a real advertising campaign?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cub Win...Cub Win!!!

Sunday Funnies

The Doctor has a new feature called "Sunday Funnies". Each Sunday a ridiculous image will be posted here, and you, the loyal (and most likely ridiculous) asked to supply a caption. The entries will be judged on all the usual criteria and the winner will be announced the following Sunday.

Each weekly winner receives a Super Deluxe Ridiculometer

So, put your thinking caps on (or take them off) and send your Ridiculous caption to

Even though this week's image is "adult themed" don't have to be 18 (or older) to win.

Below is last week's winner sent in by R.C. of Bemiji Minnesota. A brand new Super Deluxe Ridiculometer has been sent.

Friday, September 25, 2009

A View from the Right

Sometimes the "view" from the other side of the debate is as clear (or clearer) as your own position. Being able to laugh at the Truth, and in doing some create understanding for the opposite point of view, creates movement which is the beginning of compromise.

This bit of sarcasm from Right should hold Truth for the Left, and cause everyone to (at least) smile!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

"United Nations"...Playing for Change

Is it wrong that peoples would want to come together...Is war, and death, and hate bad?
If war and hate fundamentally wrong...can it be so wrong to work for change?

Jesus tried to teach us Love (even for our enemies). Why is this such a hard lesson???

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Czar She Blows (don't tell Michelle)

Is it only Dr. R who is noticing the dramatic increase in the use of the word: CZAR? Is this a new "buzz word" that is being used to "steer the herd"? Why are the government officials who used to be Secretaries and Under being called "Czars"? Has Obama really taken over NBC? State run television...isn't that Socialism?
The Doctor hates buzz words...they create...well...this BUZZING in his head. He has so many questions and all he gets is this BUZZING in his head!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Microsoft Training Video

See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.

Microsoft ME would freeze up...but just several times a day and only when you were working with several files that weren't backed up

Monday, September 21, 2009

Are You Wearing a Sweater?

Add Video

The Doctor loves sweaters but he is not wearing one now.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Funnies

The Doctor is inaugurating a new feature called "Sunday Funnies". Each Sunday a ridiculous photo will be posted here, and you, the loyal (and most likely ridiculous) asked to supply a caption. The entries will be judged on all the usual criteria and the winner will be announced the following Sunday.

Each weekly winner receives a Super Deluxe Ridiculometer

So, put your thinking caps on (or take them off) and send your Ridiculous caption to

Good Luck and God Bless!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Always Be Looking!

The Doctor thinks we should all take a break...sit back and enjoy this clip. The music is taken from Monty Python's "Life of Bryan". That movie proved to Dr.R. that "Ridiculous" is sometimes very very entertaining!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hot for Words???


Ridonkulous: adj. An exaggerated form of ridiculous. Most likely a blending of ridiculous and donkey.

What’s ridonkulous is that, while researching this word, I found SO many misspellings of the word ridiculous.. people were spelling it rediculous! That’s rigoshdarneddiculous!

Doctor R. "lifted" this right off Marina Orlova's web site: Readers...treat yourself...go there and have a look see. The Doctor gives Marina two redonkulous thumbs up!!!

Why We (REALLY) Need Health Care Reform

This is an Emergency Room where Dr. Ridiculous could be "chief of staff" These health care workers are having way too much fun. If Obama's reforms are passed...this kind of behavior might spread through out the whole system. Creative People Must Be Stopped!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Further Proof...

This is further proof, that Americans are inovative and creative SIGN MAKERS (see previous post)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One Side of the Debate

If nothing else...America has creative sign makers!!! Get out your Ridiculometers and see how they react to this video.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Before and After

There are two things that have changed in the "After" photo...the girl and the guitar. The question Dr. Ridiculous poses to his readers is: "Did the girl come because he got MUSIC (soul) or did he get a guitar because he (now) had SOMETHING TO SING ABOUT (love)???

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Big Wheels Rolling?

The Doctor and "his missus" went to "Church" today.. The Church of the Unclean Woodcutter...Say Hallelujah! They did not go in this car. They went in their pickup truck. This is a firewood cutting church. Church is always a lot of hard work, and always a lot of fun. The "church" itself, is Oregon's Coast Range Mountains. So close to God!

This car is Ridiculous...ridiculous because as every woodsman knows: You get much better traction on wooden wheels, if you remove the bark before mounting!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Don't Stare at This Too Long!!!

This image is an example of :
Things are not Always as They Seem.

Not only are our first impressions sometimes wrong, but the more we analyze (situations) the more confusing things become. The Doctor recommends keeping your Ridiculometers well calibrated and placed for easy access... so that no one loses focus due to absurdity.

Friday, September 11, 2009

"Liar, Liar..."

Senator Joe Wilson embarrassed himself and his Republican Party with his outburst during the President's recent address. His heckling was a complete breech of protocol. As every schoolyard bully knows...never...ever use the "L" word (liar)...the name caller can always get a good laugh with the retort shown above.

President Obama was NOT fazed by the Senator's interruption...that's because he has a Ridiculometer (see below) and uses it to keep everything in perspective

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Shot Heard 'Round the (Sporting) World

University of Oregon (Ducks) football star, Lagarette Blount, threw this punch (and the tirade following) and in doing so...ended his college career as he was suspended. Lost on ESPN coverage was the audio that picked up the coach in the white shirt yelling: "Duck!" to his Boise State player as the sucker punch was being delivered. Naturally the BSU linebacker didn't flinch...because he knew that the player coming to "shake his hand" was a DUCK

The Ducks are famous for the number of uniform combinations...thanks to their benefactor, Phil Knight at Nike. The new jersy pictured above is known as the"Blount Jacket" Its' wearer doesn't carry the ball...but is used solely for STRAIGHT ahead blocking and post-game festivities.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Beam Me Up...Scotty

The Birthers are correct. As the above photo shows Obama is a Vulcan! He WAS NOT born in Hawaii. He is an Alien. This photo was taken prior to some extensive plastic surgery on his ears and a trip to the barber shop for a decent American haircut.

You can see from his lapel pin that Obama's true allegiance is to Star Fleet (not to our flag). Star Fleet wants to go "where no one else has gone" This is vintage Obama!

We do not want this man(???) talking to our innocent school children. He will fill their little heads with ideas of exploration, boundless frontiers, and peace and fairness to all peoples. This is ridiculous...we must stop him and the Star Fleet he represents...are you listening Texas???

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Most Ridiculous Senior

The Doctor is often asked: "Where do you find the material for your blog?" The answer is..."Sent by God!"
Todays' image came as a result of a Google search for "ridiculous tattoos". Dr. R. downloaded this right off of Dr. Phil's web site. So this is a case of two doctors collaborating for the Good of All Mankind (and neither one is REALLY a doctor)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Moderation Please!

The Doctor loves FaceBook and has actually prescribed it as "therapy" for some of his patients. However, the axiom: "Too much of a good thing" holds in this case, and overuse might peg your Ridiculometer.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Will You Be My Friend?

Special thanks to S.D. for this one...Watch it in its' entirety for some good laughs

Friday, September 4, 2009

Routine Stop

"License, registration and a dozen maple bars"

Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Make Mine a Double"

People...if your Ridiculometers need re-calibrating...hold them near this image and the dial should quickly move to MAXIMUM.

There is so much going on in this ad, the Doctor "doesn't know where to start"; so he won't...except the say: "Sex Sells"

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ball Boy

This is not ridiculous at all. The Doctor loves American enterprise. What might have registered on the Ridiculometer is that this young man is not offering a quantity discount...say 3 balls for $2. Who has ever been able to "throw just one?"

Oh,'s night and he's wearing sunglasses...are there drugs involved???