Saturday, September 19, 2009

Always Be Looking!

The Doctor thinks we should all take a break...sit back and enjoy this clip. The music is taken from Monty Python's "Life of Bryan". That movie proved to Dr.R. that "Ridiculous" is sometimes very very entertaining!

1 comment:

  1. How perfect you presented this to your fans.
    This morning I was reminded to "Be Happy" from an old man with a white beard (if he wasn't so skinny, I would have thought Santa Claus) I must have been smiling in Walmart because he stopped me and said he liked my smile and asked why aren't more people happy? I had plenty to be grumpy about - it was Sat. morning and I started my day at the dentist...then Walmart (two big UGHS!) But I obviously had a happy face on...So let's all agree to smile often. Be Happy!
