Friday, October 30, 2009

Littering is Busch (League)

So...the other day the Doctor was driving down one of our rural highways (see where the Dr. lives and works by going to and he passed a man on a bicycle who was picking up cans that had been thoughtlessly thrown from moving vehicles. Oregon has a can and bottle bill (do all states?) so this man was making a few cents on each can. The Doctor began to notice all the litter on the side of the road. He wondered what kind of person would toss their garbage out the window for some other human being to pick up. What kind of person WOULD do this?

So...yesterday he walked up his driveway to get the morning paper, and there beside his mailbox was the empty beer can pictured above. "What the F!" (notice that even though the Dr. thought the "F-word"...he is not using it here in an attempt to clean up this blog which has been dirtied by the past two day's entries)

Some "Mo-Fo" (oops)...drinking and driving...couldn't just toss his empty on the floor of his/her "rig"...NO...he/she had to put it on the side of the road so that someone could pick it up for him/her. Wouldn't want to get a DUI, would he/she?

Check out the can! It's CAMO! Is this Budweiser's attempt to create an even more macho image of it's beer drinkers, or is this a diabolical plot to aide the beer swilling litter bugs from getting caught...or even worse... make it harder for our bicycle riding scavenger to find the cans on the roadside.

(And some of you wondered why the Doctor resorts to bad language!)

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