Friday, October 30, 2009

Littering is Busch (League)

So...the other day the Doctor was driving down one of our rural highways (see where the Dr. lives and works by going to and he passed a man on a bicycle who was picking up cans that had been thoughtlessly thrown from moving vehicles. Oregon has a can and bottle bill (do all states?) so this man was making a few cents on each can. The Doctor began to notice all the litter on the side of the road. He wondered what kind of person would toss their garbage out the window for some other human being to pick up. What kind of person WOULD do this?

So...yesterday he walked up his driveway to get the morning paper, and there beside his mailbox was the empty beer can pictured above. "What the F!" (notice that even though the Dr. thought the "F-word"...he is not using it here in an attempt to clean up this blog which has been dirtied by the past two day's entries)

Some "Mo-Fo" (oops)...drinking and driving...couldn't just toss his empty on the floor of his/her "rig"...NO...he/she had to put it on the side of the road so that someone could pick it up for him/her. Wouldn't want to get a DUI, would he/she?

Check out the can! It's CAMO! Is this Budweiser's attempt to create an even more macho image of it's beer drinkers, or is this a diabolical plot to aide the beer swilling litter bugs from getting caught...or even worse... make it harder for our bicycle riding scavenger to find the cans on the roadside.

(And some of you wondered why the Doctor resorts to bad language!)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another Day of Jon

It might come as a surprise to some...Doctor Ridiculous is "an everyday normal guy." You might be thinking: "Hey, he's a doctor...that's something!" Please remember that he is not a REAL doctor. People call him "Doctor"...but he's not. Just like rap artist, Dr. Dre, he's a Doctor but not really. Confused? Stay tuned Motherfucker!

Is "motherfucker" the worst thing we can say in the English language?

The Doctor obviously loves these video's. So do a bunch of other ridiculous people. This one had over SIX MILLION hits on youtube. Are you seeing then for the first time? Where have you been motherfucker?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Dr. Loves to Make Spaghetti Sauce!

Everyday Normal Guy Rap Song - watch more funny videos

He says "mother-fucker" so many times it becomes common.
Mother Fucker
Just words...they can't be bad or good
Bad words to the Doctor are:
"Collateral Damage"
"Expensive Health Care"
"Cluster Bomb"
"Water Board"
"Abject Poverty"

Sorry to "Get Heavy"

Where is Osama? Why haven't we found him? Is he really still alive? Food for thought...Do you think that the US military would still be in Afghanistan if we had captured/killed Osama?

"He (Osama) is heavy, and he ain't my brother"

Monday, October 26, 2009

Ridiculous Talent...Wasted???

Doctor R. has too many questions about this video to begin just relax and enjoy!

(Thanks again to N.S. for this...N.S. must have a great sense of exploration, or too much time on his hands...or both!)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Funnies

The Doctor has a new feature called "Sunday Funnies". Each Sunday a ridiculous image will be posted here, and you, the loyal (and most likely ridiculous) asked to supply a caption. The entries will be judged on all the usual criteria and the winner will be announced the following Sunday.

Each weekly winner receives a Super Deluxe Ridiculometer

All "Golf Nuts" should have this one nailed!

Clink the link below to send entry

Below is last week's winner
sent in by S.N. Boise Idaho

(For the second week in a row, the winner comes out of Idaho)
(What's going on over there Idaho?)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Ridiculous is Sometimes Fun!

Cheers to N.S. for todays video

Thursday, October 22, 2009

How Swine Flu is Transmitted

As the debate rages over the safety and advisability of vaccination against the H1N1 flu, Doctor R uncovers the way it is spread among small children. This photo explains why these toddlers are the most vulnerable...if we saw an adult doing this they would be "carted off by the men in white jackets!"

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Conflict Between the Right and Left

The Doctor's brain was conflicted when he tried to do this simple drill. So, if our brains can get so confused over which side, Left or Right, should be there any hope of resolving differences between the political Left and Right over very important social and economic issues???

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

I DID NOT Know That!

Honestly, the Doctor didn't know any of this stuff...however he Did "suspect" it!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Funnies

The Doctor has a new feature called "Sunday Funnies". Each Sunday a ridiculous image will be posted here, and you, the loyal (and most likely ridiculous) asked to supply a caption. The entries will be judged on all the usual criteria and the winner will be announced the following Sunday.

Each weekly winner receives a Super Deluxe Ridiculometer

So...these two cows are in a bar, and the heifer says to the bull...

Clink the link below to send entry

Below is last week's winner
sent in by F.W. of Twin Lakes Idaho

Friday, October 16, 2009

At the end of "Rush Week" pledge!

MySpace Celebrity and Katalyst present The Presidential Pledge

Most readers understand that Dr. R is not really a doctor. Some are not sure why he is ridiculous. At times he seems fairly normal, and his writing, if not profound...seems to kind of make sense.

OK...this is just one reason why he is ridiculous (one of many) This short video clip has many pop icons pitching "change". The Doctor senses their fame...but out of all these stars he is able to put a name to a face on just a few. He is completely out of touch with current pop culture and this condition happened without his other words...Doctor Ridiculous thinks that he is totally HIP! (is "hip" still HIP?)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Is Mister Limbaugh a "New World Man?"

It was getting a little heavy here in the laboratory...The Doctor prescribes a musical interlude...Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Weak Rush...No Offense

The definition of "Racist" is ever changing, and the Doctor will not here try to give its' current meaning. The word is certainly being very loosely bantered about by both the Left and Right. The Doctor subscribes to the old playground adage: "It takes one, to know one" So caution must be exerted when placing these buzz words on ANY individual!

So, what is the danger of Mr. Limbaugh becoming part owner of the St. Louis Rams? Would he immediately fire or trade all the African-American players and institute a "whites only" and change the name to the St. Louis Aryan Nation? Maybe he would cut the salaries of athletes of color and make them work for "slave wages?" Is the Radical Left's objection to his ownership based on their opinion that he is a "very bad person?" Hello! The history of professional sports is riddled with discrimination and exploitation of minorities for the benefit of team owners. Some of these owners were (are) BAD PEOPLE. This is of the Free and home of the (Atlanta) Brave!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Is Rush a Racist???

This is "Rush Week" And today's question is: "Is Rush a Racist?" Reader...please decide for yourself. Watch this video, and then think about what he is saying. Is he playing "devil advocate" here? Is Rush's goal: to further separate the Right and Left? Wouldn't he further benefit ($$$) by the creation of controversy? Is this what we really need? Is this EVER what we really need?

Tomorrow (during Rush week) Dr. Ridiculous will add his opinion on whether Mister Limbaugh should be "allowed" to own a NFL franchise...stay tuned

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday Funnies

The Doctor has a new feature called "Sunday Funnies". Each Sunday a ridiculous image will be posted here, and you, the loyal (and most likely ridiculous) asked to supply a caption. The entries will be judged on all the usual criteria and the winner will be announced the following Sunday.

Each weekly winner receives a Super Deluxe Ridiculometer

Who is more ridiculous...the race car driver or the cop??? Who would you like to voice in your caption...maybe both???

Clink the link below to send entry

Below is last week's winner Sent in by R.G. of Medford Oregon
A Super Deluxe Ridiculometer has been sent

Friday, October 9, 2009

Ridiculous Landlord

The Landlord from Will Ferrell

This one was sent in by I.M. Thanks!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thank God for Ridiculous People

Thanks to S.B. for this one

Many of you, who know The Doctor, might be confused and think that this him. It is not. It is Red Green. The Dr. is a woodcutter however, and this post is celebrating his BRAND NEW CHAINSAW.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's The Ridiculous' Anniversary

The Doctor sends this out to his lovely bride of eight fantastic years. Celebrate Good Times!!!

(by the way) It seems that if you are refering to more than one ridiculous person...they should be call "Rediculi" not "Ridiculouses"

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Pumpkin Doesn't Fall Too Far From the Vine

Model Georgia May Jagger...

The Doctor could imagine Georgia May wearing these outfits to one of her father's concerts (The Rolling Stones)...but is there anywhere else... without everyone's Ridiculometers going off???

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Funnies

The Doctor has a new feature called "Sunday Funnies". Each Sunday a ridiculous image will be posted here, and you, the loyal (and most likely ridiculous) asked to supply a caption. The entries will be judged on all the usual criteria and the winner will be announced the following Sunday.

Each weekly winner receives a Super Deluxe Ridiculometer

This week's "Funny" continues last week's "bedroom theme" and it is a bit more challenging. So, get those entries in...just send an email message (the Doctor will insert the winner into the cartoon)

Clink the link below to send entry

Below is last week's winner Sent in by P.T. of Kissimmee Fla.
A Super Deluxe Ridiculometer has been sent

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Good Time in Kentucky

Doctor R. knows that some his reader's attention spans might be measured in nano seconds...but try to stick this one out to the end. Please please keep your Ridiculometers away from the computer... as exposure to Turtle Man will surely bend its' needle.